mama shark collections opportunities
The Basics of a Collection

How does a Collection work? How are the Collections made? How does this benefit those who take part?

Each Collection is made up of a select number of Customers, Contributors, Affiliates, and Sponsors. The Contributors create and give their products and services. The Affiliates help to get the word out and get paid commission for doing so. The Sponsors create offers to benefit the customers. The Customers get it all at a 97% or greater discount!

Instead of having to scour the web in hopes of finding the resources they need, customers get to buy these carefully curated bundles of resources put together for them an amazing discounted rate (97% off or more!)! 

Creating an online business in today’s world isn’t easy- and one of the hardest parts is getting the word about your offers out to audiences who need what you have made. Collections provides increased exposure for creators and small business owners and gives them the chance to interest customers in their brand.

None of the Collections would succeed without our affiliates! Affiliates spread the word about the Collections, and in return, they are paid commission on any sales made through their link. It’s a great way to connect audiences with products they’ll love with the benefit of being paid for it!

We accept a limited number of sponsors per Collection! Each sponsor is given ad space within the Collections themselves. This is a great way for creators to connect with their audiences!

mama shark collections bronze silver gold

The Mission

Collections by Mama Shark exists to connect creators and small business owners with their ideal audiences, and to connect those audiences with high-quality valuable resources delivered in a convenient digital format.

I want to contribute to a Collection! What now?

Step 1

If this is your first time contributing to Collections by Mama Shark, enter your Email Address below and we will send you the New Contributor Application Form.

Step 2

If this is your first time contributing to Collections by Mama Shark, fill out the New Contributor Application Form that will be emailed to you after you sign up (Step 1). This is to apply to be a Contributor, not to contribute an item to the Collection. You may apply to be a Contributor before you are ready to submit an item.

Step 3

Fill out the Product Submission Form (will be emailed to you after you complete Steps 1 and 2). This form will tell us about your product/service that you are submitting. You can submit as far out as a year in advance!

Contributor FAQs

  • You will contribute a paid digital product or service that you are willing to offer to the Collection customers for free. The most common types of submissions are eCourses, printables, eBooks, memberships, and coaching services- but contributions are not limited to those.

  • Contributed items must be: legally yours to sell (i.e. don’t steal someone else’s work!), high quality, not offered in a Collection by Mama Shark within the 13 months prior to the sale dates of the Collection and not used in another bundle or giveaway for 2 months prior to the sale dates of the Collection you are contributing to (to avoid duplication of bundles and for a better customer experience).

  • You will provide a link that allows the customers to get your product or service for free. Please note it must be a link that does not require the customer enter a coupon code. We will compile the accepted items and create a Collection that features each one. Any and all purchasers of that Collection can then redeem your item at no additional cost to them.

  • The special link for your item must remain active for a minimum of 18 months. We will use each Collection again as an upsell at least once within 12 months of the original date, and purchasers will have a maximum of 6 months to redeem their items (for a total of 18 months from when the Collection first goes on sale).

  • It is encouraged that you require an email sign up so that you can collect the emails of those who redeem your product so you can welcome them, build trust with them, and potentially sell other things to them later.

  • Upsells and tripwires are allowed and encouraged.

  • To contribute to a Collection, you MUST contribute to the Bronze Package and you MAY also contribute to the Silver and/or Gold Packages.

    There are three packages in each Collection: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The Bronze package will include contributions valued from $1-9. The Silver package will include contributions valued between $10-46. The Gold package will include contributions valued at $47+. You may submit as many items to be considered for the Collection as you would like. We will accept a maximum of one contribution per contributor per package for a maximum of 3 per contributor (1 in Bronze, 1 in Silver, 1 in Gold) for each Collection.

  1. Rapid increase in email subscriptions
  2. Potential sales from upsells/tripwires
  3. Building brand authority. You will also receive a “As Seen In” badge to include on your website or in social media.
  4. Greater audience exposure
  5. Networking and collaboration possibilities with other contributors
  6. Increased page views
  7. Free copy of the Collection your item is in
  8. Paid commissions (if you choose to also be an affiliate, which we highly recommend!)
  9. Increased commission if you are also an affiliate- with opportunities for increased rates and bonuses with participation!
  • Contributions must not be in another bundle or giveaway 2 months before the Collection sale dates
  • Contributions must not have been in a Collection by Mama Shark in the last 13 months. An exception is something that would be used more than once such as a membership, coaching session, or other service.
  • Contributions must fit the theme of the Collection
  • Contributions must be digital (no physical products requiring shipping)
  • Contributions must be ready for testing at time of submission, including sales page, welcome email, and download/access/delivery.
  • Contributions must be excellent. We are going to promote you as being top-notch, so be top-notch!
  • Contributors must promote the Collection they are included in at least twice during the sale dates, at least one of those being via a solo email.
  • Contributors must contribute to the Bronze Collection of any Collection you participate in. Since the Bronze Package is free to customers, nearly all customers will download this package. Contributing to the Bronze Package ensures the maximum number of leads for each contributor.

No, we do not accept every contribution submitted- but we accept as many as possible! There are three packages in each Collection: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The Bronze package contains contributions valued at $1-9. The Silver package contains contributions valued at $10-46. The Gold package contains contributions valued at $47+.

We are looking to make every part of the process of buying and redeeming the Collections to be as simple and fun as can be so that customers will tell their friends and will be repeat purchasers themselves. Therefore, ways to increase your chances of being accepted are:

  • First and foremost, offering high quality items that fit the theme of the Collection you are contributing to.


  • Offering higher value items– but do NOT inflate the value! We don’t want customers to feel they are getting scammed.

  • Making sure every step of your redemption process is ready to go and as easy to use as possible. We get that sometimes technology limits things- but do what you can with what you have. Test the whole process before sending in the form!

  • Create an attractive and professional sales page/redemption page. It doesn’t need to look like a world-class design, but it should be easy to read, clear what the item is, and with instructions on how to access it.

  • Submit quality mock ups, ads, and bio pictures on the forms. You don’t have to be a professional or hire a graphic designer- but your graphics should be easy to read and understand and the bio pictures should be a picture of only you- preferably mostly your face.

  • Follow the instructions. If the form asks for a square graphic, please don’t submit a circle. 🙂

  • Make sure you have submitted your Contributor Application. See Step 2 below.


  • Be prompt in reading and responding to emails. This is how I will primarily communicate with contributors, so it helps to know you are actively interested, involved, and available if I have questions about your item.

Yes! We do not have a requirement for how long you’ve been creating/blogging/in business, nor do we have a requirement about how many are in your audience. If you have a quality product that fits well in one of our Collections, then submit it! 

Also, don’t let not knowing how to do something hold you back. If you need help getting set up, email me at If it’s a simple answer, I can just respond to you via email and if you need more in-depth help we can set up a coaching session or I can refer you to another expert who can help.

If design is not your thing, there will also be templates available for purchase for many of the graphics needed for the form. There will also be lots of info and tips sent out throughout the process to help you have the most success possible!

It is $10 per contribution submission for items in the Bronze Package (required for contributing to a Collection). You will not be asked to pay this fee until you submit your item. There is no fee for submitting to the Silver and Gold Packages.

This fee helps provide “seed money” for the abundance of affiliate contests, prizes, and bonuses given out to encourage promotion! My goal with this minor fee is to encourage the greatest possible participation and therefore maximize the reach of each Collection.

However, I do not wish this fee to prohibit any from participating. If this fee causes you to hesitate in contributing, please email me at for alternative options.

Please email me at with any questions. I’m here to help and all questions are welcome! I’m also always looking for ways to improve, so if you have suggestions or comments, please send them on!

I just finished my first bundle with Stephanie from Mama Shark. I was very impressed! Personally she is honest, friendly, and straightforward. Professionally she is organized, on top of everything and very good at quickly and thoroughly addressing any questions or concerns. The experience was both beneficial and fun, I will definitely be doing another bundle!
Lorian testimonial pic
Owner, Planner Paradise

I want to become an Affiliate! What now?

Step 1

Enter your Email Address below so we can send you the New Affiliate Application Form. This will also add you to the newsletter for affiliates so you will be notified about future opportunities to promote!

Step 2

If this is your first time contributing to Collections by Mama Shark, fill out the New Affiliate Application Form that will be emailed to you after you sign up (Step 1).

Step 3

Opt-in to any promotions that interest you. We will send periodic newsletters with the upcoming opportunities with the chance to sign up for the ones that interest you.

Step 4

Promote the Collection! Instructions, graphics, and swipe copy will be emailed to you. We'll also have ample opportunities to increase your commissions and receive bonuses!

Step 5

Sit back and watch the money come in! We pay our affiliates within 30 days of the sale ending.

Affiliate FAQs

Affiliates are a crucial part of the Collections team! We can have the best Collections in the world, but it won’t do us any good without customers- so how do we get our products in front of potential customers? Affiliates!

An affiliate is anyone with an audience (even a small one!) who spreads the word about the Collections.

We provide a cookied link for each affiliate to track their clicks and conversions (sales) and affiliates are then paid a percentage of whatever sales made through their link! For example, if an affiliate sends their link to a friend and the friend purchases a $10 item, the affiliate would get $3 of that sale at a rate of 30%.

And we make it SUPER EASY for you. We provide graphics, copy-and-paste emails and social media posts, and lots of tips and tricks on how to make the most money for the time you put in. We’ve also got an abundance of bonuses and commission increases for participating!

  1. With our unique layering sales method (the Bronze, Silver, and Gold packages), we bring in more interested customers who are more likely to buy more- which helps you make more in commission!
  2. The base rate for affiliates is 30%, which goes up to 40-50% for contributors and sponsors, and up higher for those who participate in the promotions- with plenty of bonuses and extra earning opportunities as well!
  3. We take care of our affiliates and give you even more chances to earn prizes and commission upgrades as we go along. We want YOU to succeed so that we all succeed!
  4. Affiliates also receive a code for 50% off the Silver and Gold packages (Bronze is always free)!
  5. Your link affiliate code contains a “cookie” that lets us track who buys through your link so we can pay you your commission- and we have 6 MONTH cookies! Far longer than the industry standard, this means that you may even get commission for sales you didn’t even promote- future Collections or even things from the Mama Shark Launchpad.
  6. My links will never override yours, so even if they join the waitlist with your link, as long as yours is the last *affiliate* link clicked, you get the commission when they purchase!
  • Complete the Steps above to sign up as an affiliate.
  • Have an audience, no matter how small.
  • Use proper disclosure for your affiliate links to let your audience know that you may receive a commission. Information on how to do this will be available to all affiliates.

Generally, yes. However, we reserve the right to refuse or cancel any affiliate who is unresponsive, unkind, dishonest, or gives us a reason to feel they are not accurately representing the Collections brand.

There is no fee to become or participate as an affiliate.

Please email me at with any questions. I’m here to help and all questions are welcome! I’m also always looking for ways to improve, so if you have suggestions or comments, please send them on!

It was super-amazing and I loved the daily feedback on how the teams/individual affiliates were doing. The contests were so much fun. I loved the names of the teams. I could tell you put a lot of effort into encouraging your affiliates and also making it really fun for them.
Nadia Arbach
Owner, Clear the Decks!

Step 1

If this is your first time sponsoring, enter your Email Address below so we can send you the New Sponsor Application Form. This will also add you to the newsletter for sponsors so you will be notified about future opportunities.

Step 2

If this is your first time sponsoring an ad in the Collections by Mama Shark, fill out the New Sponsor Application Form that will be emailed to you after you complete Step 1.

Step 3

Submit your ad/s and wait for confirmation that your ad has been accepted.

Step 4

Once your ad has been accepted, pay for your ads via the invoice we will send.

Step 5

Sit back and watch your sales go up and your brand authority build! We highly recommend becoming an affiliate so you can make commission from promoting the Collections, too!

Mama Shark is on it! She delivers well-organized Collections! She is always looking out for her contributors to give them a top-notch experience. I highly recommend collaborating with Mama Shark!
Alicia Cohen
Owner, Alicia Cohen Designs

Sponsor FAQs

Send in the form with the needed information/graphics (see Steps above). Pay the invoice when it is sent. You can include an ad for a freebie or a paid product- with or without a discount (though a discount is recommended!). Your ad does *not* have to fit the theme of the Collection, as long as it will appeal to the same audience.

Creating graphics not your thing? We’ve got you covered- when you purchase your ad space you can also purchase our ready-to-go templates to plug-and-play your branding and information!

  1. Increased exposure to your ideal audience = more sales for you!
  2. Between the promotions of the contributors and affiliates, information about the Collections will reach thousands of people with the potential of bringing them to your ad and therefore your site!
  3. Sponsoring an ad builds your authority as people see your brand around more and connect it in their head with other things they have enjoyed (i.e. the Collections!).
  4. Sponsors receive a free copy of the Collections they are included in!
  • Just follow the Steps and fill out the required forms and pay the invoice that will be sent to you!
  • All coupons or discounts promoted in the sponsored ads must be good for at least 18 months from the sale dates of the Collection they are included in (we will use the Collection as an upsell for up to 12 months + give purchasers 6 months to redeem) if you need a shorter time frame, please let us know when submitting and/or note it in the ad when you submit it.

We are looking to make every part of the process of the Collections to be as simple and fun as can be so that customers will tell their friends and will be repeat purchasers themselves. Therefore, ways to increase your chances of being accepted are:

  • First and foremost, offering high quality items that fit the audience the Collection appeals to. It does not have to fit the Collection itself, but should be something those who are purchasing the Collection are also likely to enjoy.

  • Keep it classy. We prefer a page that does not include swearing, and will reject any ads that include profanity. We will also reject any ads that include degrading depictions (verbal or visual) of any person or type of person or that we otherwise deem inappropriate or ill-fitting with the branding of Collections by Mama Shark.

  • Offering a discount/coupon code. Everyone loves to feel like they’re getting an exclusive deal!

  • Create an attractive and professional sales page/redemption page. It doesn’t need to look like a world-class design, but it should be easy to read, clear what the item is, and with instructions on how to access it/buy it.

  • Submit quality mock ups/ads/bio pictures on the forms. You don’t have to be a professional or hire a graphic designer- but your graphics should be easy to read and understand and the bio pictures should be a picture of only you- preferably mostly your face.

  • Follow the instructions. If the form asks for a square graphic, please don’t submit a circle. 🙂

  • Be prompt in reading and responding to emails. This is how I will primarily communicate with sponsors, so it helps to know you are actively interested and involved and available if I have questions about your ad.

  • Pay for your ad space on time. Once your ad has been accepted, we will send an invoice with a due date. Any ads not paid for by the due date will be rejected. If you need an exception, please email

The current price for placing an ad (full page) in a Collection is $20.

Please email me at with any questions. I’m here to help and all questions are welcome! I’m also always looking for ways to improve, so if you have suggestions or comments, please send them on!

Have more questions or comments?

Email me at I’m always looking for ways to improve and to collaborate!