Before you go, we have a deal exclusively for you! For the next 15 minutes, you can also get our Organize Your Mom Life with Trello Course for only $9!


The Organize Your Mom Life with Trello Course takes all the templates in the free download (plus a bunch more) and teaches you how to use them to create a full system for running your daily Mom Life!

Normally this course sells for $17, but for the next 15 minutes, it’s yours for only $9!


Organize Your Mom Life with Trello.

Simplify Your Mental Load.

Work smarter, not harder, when it comes to remembering and fulfilling all the demands of mom life! Replace the anxiety of wondering if you are doing the right thing at the right time with the confidence that you know what you need to do and when you need to do it- and having it all digitized in your Trello Boards!

From chores to meal planning, upcoming events to weekly to-do lists, this quick and easy course will walk you through creating a simple system to organize your mom life using the free and easy digital tool, Trello. You’ll breathe a sigh of relief when you get all the things on your mind finally in a format that you can see and use to make your mom life so much simpler with Organize Your Mom Life with Trello!

By the end of this course, you will have:

  • Mastered the basics of Trello
  • Assessed your true mental load
  • Compiled your household management into Trello Boards
  • Put your meal planning into Trello form
  • Created a Master Weekly Board
  • Assembled your new Trello system
  • Organized your mom life with Trello!
Possessing a true teacher’s heart, Stephanie desires to share her practical wisdom with others who become overwhelmed by the idea of managing time. She can take her tested strategies and help you apply them to your unique situation for long-term success.”
Mom of 4

Organize Your Mom Life with Trello
Course Blueprint

Dumping Your Mental Load into Trello

  • Assessing Your Load
  • Chores and Household Tasks
  • Meal Planning

Organizing Your Time with Trello

  • Creating Upcoming Trello Boards
  • Your Weekly Trello Board
  • Putting It All Together


  • Bonus Trello Board Templates
  • Exclusive Extras

Hi, I'm Stephanie!

I am a Jesus-loving, introverted, somewhat crunchy, and highly practical homeschooling mom. I am married to my wonderful husband, Jacob, and we are parents to a 6 year old future CEO and a 3 year old ninja.

Creating order out of chaos is my jam and I am passionate about streamlining your mom life! I view #momlife as basically running a small business, and my goal at Mama Shark is to be your efficiency engineer to help you save money, gain time, and reduce your stress!

mama shark family pic

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