
My name is Stephanie and I am a Jesus-loving, introverted, somewhat crunchy, and highly practical mom to a 5 year old future CEO and a 2 year old ninja. I have been married for over a decade to my wonderful husband. Prior to having children, I was the owner of a successful small business. When I had children, I realized that owning a business and managing a household actually have a lot in common. In business, efficiency experts will go through and tell a company how to improve their processes to save time, money, and stress so they can be more productive as a company. Mama Shark does that for mom life. I’ve developed systems, techniques, and mom hacks to make life simpler, easier, and more productive- so come with me and let’s streamline your mom life!

how to do babywearing on a budget

Babywearing on a Budget: Finding the Perfect Carrier on Your Budget!

Finding a baby carrier that works for you can feel daunting, and the price tags only add to the overwhelm. Did you know there are simple strategies for finding great baby carriers without breaking the bank? Check out our easy strategies to save you money and set you up for the freedom and fun found in babywearing!

Babywearing on a Budget: Finding the Perfect Carrier on Your Budget! Read More »